Thursday, September 22, 2011

Rosh Hashanah 2nd Day Parasha

Rosh Hashanah - Day Two Parasha
(The binding of Isaac) Genesis Parasha VaYera 22: 1 to 24.


Law relating to the Mezuzah

This is referenced in Kitzur Schulchan Aruch Volume I Chapter 11.

Upon leaving the house and putting one's hand on the Mezuzah, one should say Psalm 121 verses 4, 5, 8.

4. Hinneh Lo Yanoom Welo Yeeshan, Shomer Yisrael.
5. Adho-nai Shomrekha, Adho-nai Sillekha ‘Al Yad Yemeenekha.
8. Adho-nai Yishmor Sethkha Ubo-ekha, Me’attha We’ad ‘Olam.

English Translation:
"Hashem is my keeper, Hashem is the shade upon my right hand; Hashem will guard my departure and my arrival from this time until eternity."